Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Government and our Foods

Recently, I went out to eat and was disgusted by the food available to eat, among others things. But nothing was more disappointing for me to watch than a woman requesting a bigger chair because she couldn’t fit in the standard-sized one. So why does that matter? It matters because apparently people in the United States can’t control their diets. Again, what does that matter? Growing up as an obese kid myself, it was a struggle always being the big kid. I loved food, especially my mom’s. But I also loved fast food, which is why I think the government should have a say in our diets. Now before I get 2 million responses of why not, let me tell you why. Sure, the government controls the speed we drive, how long we have to go to school, how much we pay for…everything, and pretty much everything. BUT, if you haven’t noticed, the United States has been a rather successful place. We need organization and sometimes we need to be told what to do. Now when I say that the government should have a say in our diets, I don’t mean there should be a law on how many carrots a day we have to eat. I just mean something along the lines of what age children are allowed to start consuming fatty foods or how much fat content is allowed in a meal. Personally, I went from eating delicious food that was horrible for me to eating delicious food that is good for me. So the point is, we need a little push to make America healthier—maybe the government, or even just the threat of the government would give us that push.


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